miércoles, enero 06, 2010

This year

Even I hate new year resolutions as product of my constant failure to actually do them, I come to think that it's a good thing to do for me now. So after a year of doing nothing at all, this year I want to forget the crap and stupid ideas in my mind, some of them already rotten and ruining my mind, mi heart and my spirit. This year I want to forget the useless toughts, I want to forget some stuff from the past including some members of my family (excluding mother, father, brother)and go back to the frined I've left aside in this long way called life. I will then, travel a lot, not in body always, perhaps only in my mind but will enjoy. I will tell people I love that I love them and keep my mouth shut when not. I will take care of my health, my money, my environment. Why not.

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